D-Wave claims to achieve ‘quantum overlord’ some scientists disagree

According to a peer-reviewed paper published on March 12 in the journal Science, D-Wave claims to have performed a material simulation that surpasses the capabilities of even the most advanced classic supercomputers. Specifically, D-Wave said its annealing quantum computer solved a difficult material simulation problem that would take millions of years at Frontier Supercomputer at the Department of Energi’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory. D-Wave says in its related press release that the performance is “the world’s first and only demonstration of quantum calculation supremacy on a useful problem.”

However, some researchers have challenged this claim and insist that traditional computer methods can already achieve comparable results. In addition, some experts are taking problems with the use of the term “quantum superior”, which replaces alternatives such as “quantum advantage” or “quantum tool.”

Simulation of about 20 minutes compared to one million years

According to D-Wave’s paper, its annealing quantum computer advantage 2 simulated the prototype successfully the properties of complex magnetic materials used in smartphones, medical equipment, sensors and engines.

The company reported that the simulation was completed in less than 20 minutes. Frontier, the most powerful supercomputer at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, would require nearly a million years of direct computing to achieve the same results. Some physicists have claimed that more optimized classic algorithms can significantly reduce this expected gap significantly.

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D-Waves paper was based on research conducted last year and did not take into account contemporary computer, researcher Miles Stoudenmire told the Wall Street Journal. Researcher dries Sels at New York University said the same calculations can be performed on conventional computers using a field of math called Tensor Networks.

A question about quantum mantics

The marketing period “Quantum Supremacy” remains contentious in the scientific community. Many researchers have recently embraced alternative expressions such as “quantum tools” or “quantum advantage” to describe breakthroughs with the next gene technology.

D-Wave insists that its use of the term “quantum overlord” is accurate. “We solve an important problem, and it is in a regime that is totally indispensable for leading classic methods. That’s why we call it quantum supremacy,” Andrew King, a senior adventurous scientist with D-Wave, told the Wall Street Journal.

Quantum Computing’s Competitive Landscape

Numerous companies, including Amazon, are currently developing their own quantum computers and affiliated chips. By 2024, Google introduced a quantum chip to use in his Sycamore Quantum Computer. Recently, the tech giant revealed his quantum-proof digital signatures to Google Cloud’s Key Management Service.

Google first claimed to have quantum overlord all the way back in 2019. Per Google’s message performed Sycamore a 200 -second assignment that would have taken a supercomputer about 10,000 years to complete.

Engineers have been working on quantum calculation for decades. While much of the early work was strictly theoretical, we are now beginning to see the culmination of their efforts with systems as a benefit, Sycamore and others.

Technology Attorney’s Staff Writer Megan Crouse contributed to this article.

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